NDAB Board Minutes April 5 2023

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from April 5, 2023



April 5, 2023

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Trampes Brown, Lexee Steffan, Rebecca Anderson, Helen Baumgartner, Doug Stip, Milissa Miller, Gerald Byron, Allan Peterson and Zelda Gebhard

CALL TO ORDER: Trampes called the meeting to order at 9:50 pm via Zoom.

The board met to approve the March 27th board meeting minutes. Zelda made a motion to amend the minutes to delete and add the following to the Legislative Committee report: Delete “Suggestions were made to make the controls in the Capitol elevator accessible for the visually impaired.” Add “While at the Capitol, they encountered visually inaccessible elevator controls. After bringing this to the attention of her District Representative, Zelda was asked to testify that afternoon before his committee about this issue.” The motion was seconded by Allan. Following discussion, the motion carried with 5 approving and 3 opposing. Zelda made a motion to amend the minutes to add the following to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee report: Add “The committee received and thoughtfully considered an article submitted by Char and Rick Feldman to change the role of the Immediate Past President (IPP). The submission led the committee to evaluate current IPP duties and to consider adjustments. Amendment 7 was the result of this discussion.”  Allan seconded the motion. Following discussion, the motion carried with 6 approving and 2 opposing.   

ADJOURN: Allan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lexee. MC The meeting adjourned at 10:18 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Helen Baumgartner, NDAB Secretary