Accessible Absentee Voting

While blind voters in North Dakota have access to ExpressVote machines at polling places to independently cast their ballots, it’s not always easy to get to a polling place.

North Dakota has a new program that allows qualified voters to apply for digital absentee ballots, meaning a person can cast a ballot from any device with internet capability.

To apply for an electronic absentee ballot, go to the direct link to the absentee application on the North Dakota Secretary of State’s website:

Complete the form, print, and sign. Now, you are ready to fax, email, mail, or hand deliver this application to your County Auditor.

Your auditor will then process your application and send you a unique voting PIN number. This number will give you access to the online ballot for your precinct. You are then ready to make your selections, review them and verify, and then hit the submit button.

A Zoom meeting to further discuss the process and answer questions was held on Friday, April 19. You can watch it below.

We, as North Dakota residents who have visual impairments, are extremely fortunate indeed to have this additional voting option. Please say thank you by exercising your right to vote in whatever way works best for you.

NDAB members and staff from North Dakota Protection and Advocacy, advocated for the ballots in meetings with staff from the Secretary of State’s Office. This advocacy led to obtaining sponsorships and support from legislators to change state law to allow this option to “anyone who has difficulty reading and/or marking a ballot” to vote an absentee ballot. After being made aware of the need and being assured that existing technology already being used by our military is secure, a bill was passed and signed into law in 2021 that included the option for an accessible electronic absentee ballot.

For North Dakota elections conducted in 2024, starting with the June 11 primary, the option of an accessible absentee ballot will be offered to voters.