Would you like to help us improve the lives of people who are blind or vision impaired?
Would you like to help us educate others about vision loss?
Would you like to meet and work with other North Dakotans who are blind or visually impaired?
If you do, then why not become a member?
Benefits of Membership
There are many benefits to becoming a member. Here are a few:
- You will meet other individuals who understand what it’s like to be blind or visually impaired: the good, bad, and the ugly. Forging new friendships creates a web of support.
- Members can take part in our support and education programs. These include an adult summer camp and regular support groups, and outdoor recreation opportunities.
- Many of our projects could use your help. Are you a fundraiser, an organizer, an advocate, a technologist, any other talents?
- We like to have fun. There are ample opportunities to participate in events such as Ski for Light, NDAB’s Adult Summer Camp, and others.
- NDAB isn’t just for individuals with vision loss. Your family and friends are also encouraged to join. It’s a great way for them to learn about vision loss and for them to connect with other families/friends for support.
How to Become a Member
Any person aged 14 years or older is eligible for membership.
A person over the age of 18 and who lives in North Dakota (or an adjoining city), can vote and be nominated for elected roles.
A person under 18 is a junior member. Junior members cannot vote or be nominated for elected positions. High School seniors may apply for scholarships if they are pursuing further education.
For full details, please consult the constitution.
All members must pay an annual membership fee:
- Adult members must pay $15 each year
- Junior members must pay $3.
Membership fees must be paid by February 1st of each year.
Membership Forms
To become a new member, or to renew an existing membership you must fill out a membership form: