NDAB Board Minutes August 19 2022

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from August 19, 2022

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Trampes Brown, Rebecca Anderson, Helen Baumgartner, Gerald Byron, Doug Stip, Milissa Miller, Allan Peterson and Zelda Gebhard


GUESTS PRESENT: Mary Stip, Mickey Teubner, Paula Anundson, Loris VanBerkom, Janelle Olson, Brant Adams & Michelle Zentz.

CALL TO ORDER: Trampes called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm via Zoom.

ROLL CALL: Helen took roll call.

GUEST TOPICS: Dining in the Dark


President: Trampes reported the events of the summer, including camp, the ACB Convention, and preparation for upcoming events. NDVS/SB did a pop-up seminar in Minot recently with about 10 – 12 participants attending.

Consent Agenda:

  1. Dining in the Dark
  2. Awards Committee Report
  3. Sports and Rec Committee Report
  4. May Treasurer’s Report
  5. June Treasurer’s Report
  6. July Treasurer’s Report
  7. 2022 Convention Minutes
  8. Post-Convention Board Minutes

Allan made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Gerald. MC

Trampes reported that during the Awards Committee meeting, it was brought to his attention that anyone who receives an award receives a free banquet meal. Since Mary did not receive a free banquet meal, a check will be written to her for $20.



On July 27th a sympathy card was sent to Char and Rick Feldman for the loss of Char’s mother, Bernadine Jundt.

Development Director: Allan reported $10,150 has been raised since June 1st, 2022. NDAB is registered for GHD, which will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2023.

The Walk for Vision date is still being set, with October 14th or 15th as a possibility.


Camp: Missy reported she does not have a full formal report but did report that the week was a success. Many compliments were shared from the campers, the kitchen staff and Jenny. Missy will speak about camp to the Insight Group and the Visions Group in the near future.

Communication: Trampes reported attempts to have a committee meeting were not successful. He will continue to try to set a time to meet.

Membership: Rebecca presented Gretchen Dobervich from Fargo, VI as a new member. Allan made a motion to approve her application, seconded by Missy. MC Trampes presented two applications from Minot: Brenda Morelli, VI and Joyce Harris, VI. Garald made a motion to approve the two applicants, seconded by Zelda. MC

Life Enrichment: Missy requested clarification on who was involved in the decision that the funds from the Dahls would go toward the Life Enrichment Program. Trampes explained that he made the call and talked with the FM Area Foundation about NDAB’s programs and the Life Enrichment Program was chosen for funding.

Dining in the Dark: Janelle requested a response back from board members asap as to whether or not each member would be able to participate as a table host.



SFL Transportation: Rebecca has been in communication with Judy Iten. SFL is January 22-27, 2023. Judy will do some checking and let us know if she can assist with transportation. Rebecca will be Judy’s point of contact for SFL Transportation. Trampes reached out to Paul Olson at NDVS/SB. They took care of transportation this year but won’t be able to do so next year.

Fiscal Year: There was discussion of moving the fiscal year to the calendar year. It was decided to leave it as it is now with the fiscal year being June 1 – May 31.

Convention – Agenda: After some discussion, it was decided that trying to balance business, education and socialization during the convention is the way conventions will be planned. If anyone would like to help Grand Forks plan the 2023 convention, they should contact Paul Olson.

Scholarship Guidelines: Trampes spoke with Tracy Wicken last week regarding the new scholarship for TVIs. She will speak to her committee and check into the AER scholarships to see if there are guidelines that will help us formulate our guidelines.

NEXT MEETING: Monday, October 3rd, 2022 at 7:00 pm.

ADJOURN: Allan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gerald. MC The meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Helen Baumgartner, NDAB Secretary