In 1964, NDAB developed a summer school session designed to help adults who were newly blinded adjust to their handicap. In 1971, a one-week summer camp program was initiated which replaced the previous summer school session. This program is held annually at the Elk’s Camp Grassick on Lake Isabel, near Dawson, North Dakota.
The camp guidelines include the purpose and eligibility requirements. They are as follows:
NDAB Summer Camp Guidelines
- To provide an opportunity for persons who are visually impaired to come in contact with persons with similar impairments and share a common concern.
- To help in the process of adjusting to blindness.
- To provide an opportunity to learn new skills, techniques, and leisure time activities to enhance the quality of life.
- Must be at least 18 years of age with vision loss as the primary disability.
- Must be capable of participating in the program set-up for camp.
- Must be able to care for ones personal needs including bathing, dressing, eating, etc.
- Must be physically able to get oneself around the campgrounds, with the exclusion of difficulty with mobility due to/ vision loss.
- Must be cooperative and demonstrate willingness to abide by the regulations of camp.
- Alcoholic beverages and/or unauthorized drugs are not allowed on the campgrounds. Any violators will be promptly sent home at their own expense.
- All campers must remain overnight at camp.
- Campers must attend the entire week of camp unless other arrangements have been made with the co-camp directors, or a situation arises, such as an illness or a family emergency.
- Participants must notify one of the directors if leaving the campus for any reason.
- Must demonstrate respect for authority.
- Must display consideration for fellow campers.
Geographical Guidelines, Revised June 2023
- Any adult who is visually impaired and not a North Dakota Resident but is attending a North Dakota college or university will be eligible to attend the NDAB Summer Camp as a camper at no cost.
- One member of ACB leadership will be able to attend the NDAB Summer Camp as a camper annually at no cost.
- Camp capacity, which is set by the Elks Camp Grassick Director, is 60 people. Residents of North Dakota would be given preference to out of state campers if the camp capacity were reached.
For further information, please contact one of the co-Camp Directors below.
Milissa Miller – camp@ndab.org
Phone 701-298-8091
Tim Kachel
Phone 701-320-3468