NDAB Board Meeting Minutes: June 10th 2016 (pre-convention)


Meeting began June 10, 2016 4:30 pm

  1. Welcome: All board members present except for Sherry Shirek. Guests: Doug and Mary Lou Stip and Denise Irminger, Parliamentarian.
  2. Respect & Communication: Mark reminded all members present that respect and communication is a priority.
  3. Camp Dates: Loris announced summer camp will be August 7-14th. List of classes need to be approved and she does not have as many new classes as we need. Loris gave a report of the classes confirmed and a few minor changes re: teachers. Loris has followed up on class leads, but still has openings for classes. Carol made a motion that Loris can add more classes as necessary. Motion seconded. Motion passed. Zelda made a motion to approve the classes as Loris presented. Motion seconded. Motion approved.Michelle asked a question about a lifeguard for camp and it was reported Dan usually takes care of hiring a lifeguard, however any recommendations are welcome.
  4. Convention Updates: Loris discussed if the guidelines for the stipends given for convention need to be revised. Loris then gave a review of the meeting rooms, rooms for social activities, etc. for the convention.
  5. Nominating Committee Report: Paula presented the nominating committee report as follows: President, Zelda Gebhard; Vice President no nominee; Secretary Gretchen Campbell; Treasurer Helen Baumgartner; Editor Kathy Larson; Board member Carmen Suminski, Genie Lang and Mike Hoeppner.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Condolences were sent for Ray Stip, Marian Morris, Kelvin Hiller, Delores Stenvold, and Esther Ketterling. April 3rd board minutes were approved via email April 5th. Membership handbook was approved by email April 25, vice president manual approved May 6th and secretary manual was approved May 13th. All were approved by email.
  7. Treasurer’s Report: Helen gave balance of checking account. The rest of her report will be tomorrow at the meeting.
  8. Financial Chair Report: Alan will present his report tomorrow.

Committee Reports

  1. Family Adjustment Seminar: Janelle reported the Minot Lions are working on an event “Dining in the Dark”, October 13th. They are expecting 80 attending, 10 tables with 8 at each table. Each table has 1 person with vision loss at the table. The Lions will financially support NDAB members to attend and assist. The fall board meeting could be at the same time, which would allow the board members to attend and assist.
  2. Legislative Report: Resolutions – there will be 4 resolutions presented tomorrow.
  3. Membership Report: Zelda reported there have been 2 member deaths, Kelvin Heller and Deloris Stenvold.

Unfinished Business

Website setup required a bank account on record. Previously Jesse and Sherry’s acct was used. Their bank account has been removed from the NDAB website and NDAB’s bank account added.

New Business

Standing rules were discussed by the parliamentarian. Current standing rules state debate is limited to 20 minute debates per issue, and voting by secret ballot. Questions regarding clarification of the 20 minute debate and the all record voting and suggestions for minor revisions of the standing rules were discussed. It was suggested adding that cellphones will be on silent mode or turned off. There being no objections, revised standing rules will be presented to the convention tomorrow.


Alan attended the Wyoming Council of the Blind convention recently and gave a brief review of the event.

Mark recognized and thanked Michelle, Janelle, Zelda, and Char for their time on the board.

Date and Time of Next Board Meeting: June 12, approximately 12:20


Alan made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and motion passed.

Meeting adjourned 5:30 pm

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