NDAB 2016 Convention Minutes


June 10, 11, 12
Theme: “Welcome Home”

Friday, June 10th 2016

The 80th convention of the North Dakota Association of the Blind, Incorporated began on Friday, June 10, 2016 at the Home Place Lodge and Suites in Williston with registration opening at 2 pm.

A pre-convention seminar was held at 2 pm. This event was publicized and open to the public. There were several remarks made by vendors and a talk given by Dr. Daniel Benson on Aging Macular Degeneration.
The vendors attending were:

  • North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind- Amy Osvold and Tracy Wicken
  • Low Vision Products and Training of ND- Dennis Baumgartner
  • The Low Vision Store- Terry Nelson
  • Low Vision Care- Stan Mosser
  • Vision Rehab Specialist- Rebecca Schmaltz
  • North Dakota Protection and Advocacy Project- Vikay Gross
  • Vanda Pharmaceuticals- Jay Blind

Refreshments were also available.

The Executive Board meeting was held at 4:30 pm, concluding at 5:30 pm. Concurrent with the board meeting was a vendor display beginning at 4 pm, ending at 6 pm. Following the vendors a picnic sponsored by the Williston and Korner Lions Clubs was held.

New member orientation led by Zelda was held at 7 pm, and the vendor display continued from 7-9 pm. A hospitality room was available for the remainder of the evening.

Saturday, June 11th 2016

Registration opened at 8 am. The VFW Honor Guard led the presentation of colors at 8:30 am. Invocation was given by Pastor Chris Walstad. Mayor Howard Klug gave a warm welcome to Williston, followed by a response from President Mark Kueffler.
Mark officially called the 80th annual convention to order and dedicated it to the original members starting NDAB in 1936. Mark gave a brief history of NDAB and named the following charter members:
Gunhild Berge, Bessie Brady, Mr. Brooks, Mrs. Brooks, John Buxie, Viola, Eid, Melvin Ekberg, Esther Hagereister, Harry Hagereister, Hans Hansen, Lorene Hansen, Martha Hermann, Thomas Jensen, Edwin Johnson, Kenneth Johnston, Lillian Knudsvig, Frank Krubenaker, Emelia Larson, Violet Madden, Ada Mark, Elsie Messecar, S. T. Olafson, Adelaid Ohlmstad, Simon Pederson, Grace Peterson, Dorothea Prosser, Emma Redeman, Lloyd Robertson, Elizabeth Sanders, Martin Sandness, Susan Schmidt, Arthur Strom, Esther Willadsen, Ruth Williams, Claudia Winski, William Winski, Arthur Witt, Fredrick Witt, Selma Ydsti

Mark also gave a thank you to the vendors and everyone involved in making the convention a success. Members were reminded to be respectful in their communication. Roberts Rules of Order will be followed, and each member must address the chair before any discussion. Sgt of Arms will be Thomas Capes and Michael Hoeppner.
Allan Peterson made a motion to approve the convention agenda. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
Mark introduced the Parliamentarian, Denise Irminger. Denise read the Standing Rules.
Alan made a motion to adopt the standing rules. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
Roll call of membership was assisted by mike runners Rick Feldman and Steve Gebhard. There were thirty seven members present.

Officers Reports:

Executive Report: Mark reiterated the many improvements this year to the NDAB website, a face book presence, the strategic plan, summer camp, work done on standardizing documents, and NDAB’s growth in investments.
Secretary’s Report: Char thanked the members for the opportunity to serve, gave a listing of condolence cards sent recently and read the minutes of the pre-convention board meeting held June 10th. Carol made a motion to approve the minutes. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Helen gave the NDAB financial report and it is on file.
Editors Report: Was presented by Loris for Kathy. Report is on file.

Standing Committee Reports

Camp Report: Loris submitted the camp report and it is on file.

Convention Report: Loris gave a brief convention report and mentioned this was an inexpensive convention for NDAB as the motel did not charge for the meeting rooms.

Family Adjustment Seminar/Dining in the Dark: Janelle gave a brief history of the family adjustment seminar. In addition, the Minot Lions are planning a “Dining in the Dark” event with a proposed attendance of 80. Members were excited to be part of this event and voiced their approval.

Financial Chair Report: Allan submitted the report and it is on file. Allan asked Denise to read the fundraising report.

Legislative Liaison Report: Allan and Zelda talked about advocacy, ACB Legislative Seminar and visits to Capitol Hill. Zelda encouraged attendance at the ND Legislative training to be held the end of August for 3 days. This is at minimal expense to the member.

Membership Report: Zelda submitted the report and it is on file.
Terry Nelson Honorary Membership Award presented by Zelda. Terry will be the 1st honorary member of NDAB. Terry’s service has benefited the blind/visually impaired as he has devoted his life to insuring those with vision loss have the equipment they need. Terry sets up and helps maintain the Lions project of providing equipment for the visually impaired. Terry accepted the award and thanked the convention body.
Coffee break at 10:15 followed by door prizes.

Special Committee Reports

Nominating Committee Report: Paula

  • President – Zelda Gebhard
  • Vice President – no nominee
  • Secretary – Gretchen Campbell
  • Treasurer – Helen Baumgartner
  • Editor – Kathy Larson
  • Board member – Carmen Suminski, Genie Lang and Mike Hoeppner

Public Relations Report: Sherry’s report was read by Denise and is on file.

Sports & Recreation: Official report not submitted at this time. Doug and Michelle gave a brief review of Ski for Light. Approximately 18 members attended.

ACB Delegate: Genie Lang was unable to attend convention. Genie’s report was published in the February Promoter.
Mary Stip made a comment on the ND State Fair. NDAB will be represented at a booth, Tuesday, July 26th. Mary is the contact.

Guest speaker: Janelle introduced Shawn Wenko, Executive Director for the city of Williston. Shawn gave a report on where Williston was with economic development, where they are now and projections for the future. Shawn also entertained questions.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:06 pm.

Meeting reconvened at 1:28 pm followed by door prizes.

Roll call: Thirty seven with two guests.

Unfinished Business


New Business

Mary Stip discussed negative comments overheard about the stipends for coming to convention. The question was raised asking for clarification on the stipends received and on the stipend guidelines. Michelle explained the stipend resolution as it was written. The stipends are given per a random drawing of all those who request.

Resolutions: Denise read the proposed resolutions and they are on file.

Resolution #2016-04 Promoting Membership Advocacy, Zelda made a motion to adopt Resolution #2016-04 as read with a change in the date proposed. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Resolution #2016-01 The Biennial Appropriation for North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind (NDVS/SB). Ruth made a motion to adopt Resolution #2016-01. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Resolution #2016-02 State Public Transit Appropriation for the 2016-2017 biennium. Carol made a motion to adopt Resolution #2016-02. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Resolution #2016-03 Making the Internet Accessible for All. Carol made a motion to adopt Resolution #2016-03. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Michelle made a motion to increase the scholarship award amounts. Current amount of $1000 be increased to $2000 and the other two scholarship awards be increased from $500 to $1000. Emma Skogen scholarship will remain the same amount. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Kathy Johnson made a motion to increase the wages of the staff helping for summer camp from $50 to $200 a week. Motion seconded. Kathy accepted a friendly amendment to increase the wages of the camp co-directors and camp nurse to $300 to add to the original motion. Motion seconded. Discussion ensued, positive and negative.

Michelle made a motion to separate out the various camp staff in separate motions. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Shereen made a motion to increase the wages for the instructors be raised from $50 to $200. Motion seconded. Discussion on the number of instructors and their duties. Loris amended the motion to $100 per instructor. Motion seconded. Discussion ensued. Amendment carried. Motion to increase the instructor’s stipend from $50 to $100. Motion carried.

Motion to increase the camp co-directors stipend from $125 to $300. Motion carried.

Motion to increase the camp nurse from $250 to $300. Discussion ensued. Mary made an amendment to the motion to increase to $350. Motion seconded. Motion defeated.

Motion to increase the camp nurse stipend from $250 to $300. Motion carried.

Motion to increase the lifeguard stipend. Motion failed for lack of a second.

Motion made by Loris to leave the stipend of the lifeguard at the discretion of the camp co-directors. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Door Prizes

Coffee Break at 2:45

Door Prizes

Roll call: Thirty six present

Becky discussed that the Montana Blind and Low Vision Council is sending visually impaired children to a Space Camp in Alabama. Becky made a motion NDAB give $1000 to help support this project. Motion seconded. Discussion ensued. Becky will send a report to the Promoter. Allan spoke in favor of this motion. Zelda asked for the information about the space camp for ND students. Diane spoke in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Loris requested a change regarding delinquent members remaining active for 1 year after not paying dues. Delinquent members are referred to in the bylaws and constitution. This matter will be referred to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

Proposed amendments:

1. Proposed clerical amendment. Titles of the Constitution, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation will use official name registered with the secretary of state, include dates of adoption and amendment for ease in file management. Submitted on behalf of current secretary.

Clarification requested.

Loris made a motion to accept this amendment. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

2. Proposed clerical amendment: To use name registered with the secretary of state. Replace current wording of both Constitution and Articles of Incorporation with the following wording of Section 1.

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be: The North Dakota Association of the Blind, Incorporated. 
Hereinafter, this organization shall be referred to by its trade name, NDAB.
Article III. Membership – Section 8 Delinquent members.

3. Proposed structural amendment: To strike out Section 8 listed within Constitution.
It is perhaps better addressed within the Bylaws within Article II Membership, Section 2 and Section 3.

Michelle made a motion to approve this amendment. Motion seconded. Re-reading of the amendment requested. Motion carried.

4. Proposed structural amendment: To move section 9 as listed below to Bylaws. Re-label as Section 7 Suspension and Expulsion of Members under Article II Membership.

Zelda made a motion to approve this amendment. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Article IV. Officers:

5. Proposed substantive amendment. To make all executive board as elected positions. Change title of currently appointed financial chairperson to Development Director to reflect the elected office.

Replace current Section 1 with the following:

Section 1. NDAB shall have the following officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, development 
director, immediate past president, and three board directors. Other officers may be added by a two-thirds vote of the 
convention. The president and vice president and two of the directors must be legally blind or visually impaired.

Michelle made a motion to approve this amendment. Motion seconded. Clarification requested. Motion carried.

Section 2. Election of Officers

6. Proposed substantive amendments: Add sub-sections listed below to provide clarification of procedures to deal with officer vacancies.

F. Whenever an office or directorship is vacated, the counsel and consent of the remaining members of the 
Board shall be required for appointment to fill vacant positions of officers or directors.
G. The immediate past president shall hold this office until a new president is elected. If for whatever reason the 
position of Immediate Past President is vacated, that position shall remain vacant.

Todd made a motion to approve the amendment. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

7. Proposed structural amendment: To form new Section 3. Qualifications. This will eliminate the long list of subsections and more clearly communicate those members eligible to run for office. Move current F, G and H along with a copy of the vision restrictions which ensure a majority of officers are legally blind or visually impaired from Section 1.

Michelle made a motion to approve this motion. Motion seconded. Discussion ensued. Motion carried.

8. Proposed substantive amendment: This is the amendment brought forward at the 2015 convention. Replace current F with the following:

C. All elected officers and directors shall be a resident of the State of North Dakota during their terms of office or 
in a city in a neighbor state, that city shall share a common border with its sister city in North Dakota. Examples of 
such cities are Fargo - Moorhead and Grand Forks - East Grand Forks.

Helen made a motion to adopt the amendment. Motion seconded. Discussion ensued. Tom made a friendly amendment that geographical location of the member should not be an issue to run for office. The parliamentarian stated a friendly amendment is not in order. This will have to be addressed at a later date. The scope of the notice was given for residents of the state of ND/sister cities. To change it you would need to ask that this be addressed before the next convention. Motion carried.

9. Proposed substantive amendment: Submitted to Constitution and Bylaw Committee from membership.

E. To avoid undue influence and any potential conflicts of interest, no more than one member from any 
household shall hold office at the same time.

Loris mentioned this will affect the slate of nominees as two nominees share the same address. Discussion ensued. Helen made a motion to adopt the amendment. Motion seconded. Helen made a motion to postpone the vote on this motion and address the proposed amendment as to when amendments are in effect. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Helen read the proposed budget to be discussed tomorrow. Proposed budget is on file.

Announcements: banquet at 6 pm in the Gallery followed by a sundae bar sponsored by Mark at 9 pm.
Rick made a motion to adjourn at 4:39 pm. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Saturday banquet:
Emcee for the evening was Janelle Olson.

Pastor Steve Lundblom from Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church gave the invocation.

Banquet speaker was Dr. Priscilla Porthen.

Music was provided by Devon Capman.

The Robert John LePage Award was given to Lion Leon Comeau. No scholarships were awarded this year.

The Ed Christensen award was given to Michelle Zentz.

Sundae bar followed the banquet, sponsored by Mark Kueffler.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Memorial service held at 8:00 am. Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church Bell Choir provided the music. Pastor Steve Lundblom officiated. NDAB members who died this past year were remembered and memories were shared.

Meeting reconvened at 9:09 am. Door prizes were given.

Roll Call: 36 members and 1 guest.

New Business Continued

Parliamentarian suggested that when a committee brings a recommendation to the board, it is already in the form of a motion. Everyone agreed.

Mark distributed large print and Braille copies of the proposed amendments.

Article VII. Amending the Constitution
Section 1.

10. Proposed substantive amendment: New A. To clarify notice given to executive board and remove “mailed by the secretary” as this is not our current practice and to add the word “constitutional”, amendment(s) to specify type of amendment, and to clarify when amendments become effective. Strike out current subsections A and B. Replace with following subsections:

A. Any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the executive board at least 60 
days prior to the Annual Convention.
B. The executive board shall place the petition to make amendment(s) to the Constitution on the agenda of the next 
convention and shall include a copy of the proposed amendment(s) with the notice of the convention.
C. A two-thirds vote of all members present and voting shall be required for the adoption of any constitutional amendment.
D. Any changes to the Constitution that are adopted by an assembled convention shall become effective as of the 
conclusion of that convention.

Missy made a motion to strikeout D. Motion seconded. Discussion ensued. Motion carried. Article VII carried.

9. Proposed substantive amendment: To avoid undue influence and any potential conflicts of interest, no more than one member from any household shall hold office at the same time.

Robert Hart made a motion that this amendment be referred back to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Motion seconded. Rick asked for clarification. Vote by a show of hands. 29 yes, 4 no, 3 abstain. Motion carried. Amendment referred back to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

11. Proposed structural amendment: To clarify that listed duties of directors apply to all officers and directors. Eliminate repetition. Strike out current Section 7 and Section 8. Replace with their combined subsections:
Section 4. General Duties. Officers and directors shall have the following duties:

A. To regularly attend meetings of the board and be knowledgeable about the business that needs to be 
discussed and acted upon.
B. To be actively involved in the activities of the organization and to provide leadership on the committees of NDAB.
C. To serve as voting members of the executive board.
D. Each officer shall perform all duties normally associated with the office according to Roberts Rules of Order Revised and any additional duties assigned by the convention or the executive board.

Motion seconded. Motion carried.

12. Proposed substantive amendment: To define immediate past president’s duties as recommended within strategic plan.

E. The immediate past president shall provide advice and counsel as needed to the president regarding matters 
pertaining to the administration of the organization.

Motion. Discussion. Motion seconded and carried.

Section 5. The president shall have the following duties:

13. Proposed clerical amendment: Each of the subsections of president C, vice president C, secretary G and Treasurer I, strike through “To serve as a voting member of the executive board.” Add remaining sentence from subsection C. to read as follows:

B. To preside at all conventions and meetings of the executive board. As its presiding officer, the president votes whenever a tie vote occurs, a secret ballot is cast or a poll of the board is taken.

Motion seconded. Discussion. Motion carried.

14. Proposed substantive amendment: To define duties of the development director from identified need within strategic plan.

Section 9. The development director shall have the following duties:
A. To coordinate and lead the fund raising efforts that are conducted by the organization with assistance from the 
executive board and the membership.
B. To report results of fund raising efforts to meetings of the board and to the membership while they are assembled in 
annual convention.
C. To investigate potential fund raising and grant opportunities.
D. To collaborate with the treasurer to prepare the annual fiscal budget that is presented for approval to members that 
are assembled in annual Convention.

Motion seconded. Discussion. Motion carried.

Article V. Executive Board
  Section 1. Composition of the executive board.

15. Proposed substantive amendment To add elected position of development director. Replace Section 1 with following text:

A. NDAB shall have an executive board composed of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, 
development director, immediate past president and three (3) board directors. A majority of all members of the board 
shall be legally blind.

Motion seconded. Motion carried.

16. Proposed structural amendment: Strike out B and replace with following:

B. The elected and listed officers (6) and board directors (3) shall constitute the voting members of the Executive Board.

Motion carried.

17. Proposed structural amendment: Add Section 3 Meetings. Placing current J, K and L to this section. There is no change to the current wording being proposed. Split large paragraph with addition subsection.

Section 3. Meetings
A. The meetings of the executive board may be held in person or by telephone conference call. The board members 
may be polled in writing and the secretary shall keep a record of the votes cast.
B. The executive board shall be called into session at the discretion of the president or upon request of ten (10%) of 
the members of NDAB, or upon request of any three (3) members of the executive board. The secretary shall notify 
the members of the meeting at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled meeting by written notice to the mailing 
address of the member or emailing the member or notifying them by telephone. Any member may object to the 
sufficiency of the notice in writing or by appearing at the meeting. If a member does not object to the sufficiency of the 
notice the member shall have waived the right to object.
C. The executive board shall hold a meeting at the time and place of the convention of NDAB. To maintain 
organizational continuity, the executive board is instructed to hold a minimum of 4 quarterly meetings per year and 
that an interval of 3 months should not pass between each executive board meeting. A quorum for the business 
meetings of the executive board of directors shall be six (6) members.
D. All meetings of the executive board shall be open to all NDAB members and others that are invited by the president.

The only exception to this open meeting rule is if the president is to convene the board in executive session for the 
purpose of considering and discussing sensitive matters, issues and information of a financial nature that are 
confidential to the parties involved.

Char made an amendment that in B the second sentence end after the word meeting. Motion seconded. Motion carried. Helen made a motion to amend two sentences in C as follows: To maintain organizational continuity, the executive board is instructed to hold a minimum of 4 quarterly meetings per year. An interval of no more than 3 months should pass between each executive board meeting. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Article VII. Amending the Constitution
Section 2. A motion to amend the Constitution may be made and considered at a regular convention.
B. If the motion to consider passes, the proposed amendment shall be placed on the agenda of the next convention 
and a copy of the proposed amendment shall be included with the notice of the convention mailed by the secretary.

18. Proposed clerical amendment: Strike out “mailed by the secretary”. It will read as follows:

B. If the motion to consider passes, the proposed amendment shall be placed on the agenda of the next 
convention and a copy of the proposed amendment shall be included with the notice of convention.

Motion seconded. Discussion. Motion carried.

19. Proposed clerical amendment: To add the word “constitutional” to specify which type of amendments to read as follows:

C. A two-thirds vote (2/3) of those present and voting is required to pass all proposed constitutional amendments.

Motion seconded. Motion carried.

The North Dakota Association of the Blind, Incorporated Bylaws and Standing Rules

Adopted: June 12, 2014 Last Amended: June 12, 2016

Article 1. Mission Statement

20. Proposed substantive amendment: To add “and Vision Statements” to title of Article 1 and add Section 3 and Section 4 to include vision statement within Bylaws.

Section 3. The intent of the vision statement is to serve as the ultimate goal for which NDAB strives to attain.
Section 4. The vision of NDAB shall be: Persons with vision loss will live a successful, productive life.

Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Article III. Officers
Section 3.

21. Proposed substantive amendment:” Strike out secretary within Section 3 and add Section 4 as written below so all of the officer positions are not elected in the same year.

Section 3. Election for the offices of president, vice president and treasurer shall be conducted at conventions 
held in even numbered years.
Section 4. Election for the offices of secretary and development director shall be conducted at conventions held in odd 
numbered years. Discussion. Robert Hart made a proviso that this amendment takes effect January 1, 2017. Motion 
seconded. Discussion. Development Director and Secretary will be elected at this convention for a 1 year term and 
elections in 2017.

Motion carried. Motion to pass the amendment as amended. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Article IV. Executive Board

22. Proposed clerical amendments: Strike out section 1, Section 4 and Section 5 as they are currently addressed within the constitution. The referred to sections are listed below:

Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Article VI. Amendments to the Bylaws

23. Proposed substantive amendment: To read:

Section 3. A simple majority vote of those present and voting at a convention is required to pass all proposed 
amendments to the bylaws.

Parliamentarian explained that it does take a 2/3 vote to amend the amendment.

Zelda (Member of the Convention and By-Laws Committee) made a motion to withdraw this amendment. No objection to withdrawing the motion.

24. Proposed substantive amendment: Add section 4:

Section 4. Any bylaw changes that are adopted by an assembled Convention of NDAB shall become effective 
as of the conclusion of that Convention.

Motion seconded. Discussion.

Allan made a motion to withdraw this amendment. No objection to withdrawing the motion.

The North Dakota Association of the Blind, Incorporated
Articles of Incorporation
Adopted: August 23, 1936 Last Amended: June 10, 2012

Article IV – Officers

25. Proposed clerical amendment: To make necessary revisions that reflect election of development director. Strike out current wording and replace with the following:

Section 1. Elected officers shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, development director, and 
three (3) board directors.
Section 2. The above named officers and directors along with the immediate past president shall constitute the 
executive board which shall serve as the voting and governing body of NDAB between conventions and carry out the 
policies and programs of this organization as adopted by the convention.

Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Section 5.
The following guidelines shall be observed regarding the election of officers and board members:

26. Proposed clerical amendment: To strike out current wording of 5 if the proposed amendment to Article IV Officers Section 3 Qualification of Officers C is adopted: All elected officers and directors shall be a resident of the State of North Dakota during their terms of office or in a city in a neighbor state, that city shall share a common border with its sister city in North Dakota. Examples of such cities are Fargo – Moorhead and Grand Forks – East Grand Forks. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Proposed Budget – Helen submitted the proposed budget. Discussion. Carol made a motion to accept the proposed budget. Motion died for lack of a second.

Carol made a motion to provide $500 for Lions Sight 4 Kidz Motion seconded. Discussion. Diane made a friendly amendment to increase the amount to $1000. Motion carried.

Zelda made a motion to buy a video magnifier for the Lion’s Foundation Video Magnifier program. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Loris asked for clarification on the $1000 to the Montana Space Camp on the proposed budget. It will have to be added to this year’s budget.

Shereen made a motion to approve the budget. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Selection of convention site for 2018 – Donna offered Bismarck.

Allan made an announcement that he has Braille Forum raffle tickets. The tickets are $50 each. The raffle is drawn at the ACB banquet July 8, 2016. Do not need to be present to win.


Paula gave the slate of candidates:
ACB Delegate to Reno, Nevada in 2017 – Genie Lang, Helen Baumgartner, and Mike Hoeppner. Mary spoke in favor of Helen. Election results: Helen is the delegate, Mike is the alternate.

Editor: Kathy Larson – Allan made a motion that nominations cease and that a unanimous ballot be cast. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
Board member: Genie Lang and Carmen Suminski. Paula read a statement from Carmen. Janelle nominated Robert Hart. Loris nominated Mike Hoeppner. Helen spoke in favor of Genie. Robert and Mike each spoke. Election results: Robert Hart elected.

Treasurer: Helen Baumgartner. Ali made a motion that nominations cease and that a unanimous vote be cast. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Secretary; Gretchen Campbell. Helen and Allan spoke in favor of Gretchen. Allan made a motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Development Director: Zelda made a motion to nominate Allan. Helen made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Vice President: Carol nominated Mike Hoeppner. Missy nominated Mary Stip. Election results: Mary Stip.

President: Zelda Gebhard. Ruth made a motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Ballot Counters: Karlyn Frantsen, Steve Gebhard and Kathy Johnson.

Mark gave a thank you to Williston members for the convention and to the hotel staff for their excellent service.

Loris thanked Mark for his service on behalf of all the members.

Mark thanked the board, past president Michelle, board member Janelle, secretary Char, SAA’s Tom and Mike, mike runners Rick and Steve, Rick, Mike and Tom for setup. Michelle acknowledged the organization of financial records by Helen.

Installation of President Zelda

New President Adjourns Meeting at 12:29 pm

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