The meeting was called to order at 6:34 by Zelda. Roll call was taken. Present were Carol, Mary, Mark, Zelda, Allan, Sherry, Helen and Robert. Guests were Loris Van Berkom, Janelle Olson and Rick Feldman.
Meal and snack planning at camp were added to the agenda. Allan motioned for approval of the agenda, Mary 2nd. MSC.
Guest Topics
Dining in the Dark
Janelle updated the board on the Dining in the Dark in Minot. The event will be held Oct. 13 at 6 or 6:30 at The Elevation. The board will be the staff for the meal. There will be an afternoon gathering and training of the board (Dining in the Dark staff). Minot Lions are selling tickets.
There will be 10 tables with 8 people at each table including 1 board member. The participants will be blindfolded. Dress attire is preferred. The board will be spending the night at The Bridgestone Motel. Janelle said that she needs to buy more blindfolds. Allan made a motion to approve the purchase of more blindfolds, Mark 2nd. MSC.
NDAB Adult Summer Camp
The Hideaway is 14’x12’ and was built in 2008 and had the same contractor as cabin 13. Since then it has been painted twice and the trim has been painted three times. Discussion was to put siding on the building. It was recommended that the shingles should also be checked. Allan made a motion for Rick to get quotes on how much it would be to side The Hideaway. Gretchen 2nd.
Helen stated that her brother-in- law has a lot of vinyl at the farm. She will check with him about using some of what he has. Allan revised his motion to say that Helen will check with her brother-in- law. If that doesn’t work out then Rick can get quotes. Gretchen 2nd. MSC.
Meal and Snack Planning
There were many comments at camp about the meals prepared. Several people thought that the meals are not balanced and that the meals and snacks are more geared towards kids. Loris stated that she has talked to Dan in the past about meal planning. She is willing to contact Dan again about meal plan suggestions. Mary made a suggestion to invite Dan to sit in a board meeting in the future. Zelda said she did invite him to this meeting but he could not attend. There were questions whether having more vegetables available for meals and snacks would raise the cost of camp. Helen did state that she knows of people who have stated that they do not attend camp due to the meals.
Smoking Courtesy
The question was brought up at camp whether there is another exit leaving the dining hall due to smokers outside the main door. The only entrance/exit to the dining hall is on the south side of the building. Zelda did ask Dan what the camp policy is for smoking. Dan said that it is “never smoke around kids or in buildings”. Dan suggested that the smoking area be by the bell. State law is 20’ from a doorway. It was decided that it would be mentioned at the beginning of camp.
Music for Dance
The idea was brought up to the board to make changes on the music for the dance. It was suggested that there should be a DJ. Allan addressed Robert for his input because he is in a band. Robert commented that there probably won’t be another band that could be hired for that same amount. The Geiger Band charges $400. Concern is that people aren’t dancing due to the type of music and that they are only coming to the dance due to “nothing else to do” or because “they have to”. It was mentioned that if people aren’t dancing now, they probably won’t be if a DJ is gotten either. It was recommended to put a mixture of music on a flash drive. Loris would like to see how many people would dance to different music one night during the week before making a decision about changing the music for the dance. Loris will put an article in the Promoter.
Zelda thanked Loris and Rick for serving as camp directors for 20 years.
President’s Report
Historian materials were exchanged from Denise Kirsch, past historian, to Ali Engraf our current historian. E-mailed strategic plan and newly amended governing documents. Code of Conduct forms have all been signed and turned in to Gretchen. Michelle updated the “Support Groups Near You” document. ACB President/ACB Board Liaison to NDAB is Patrick Sheehan. We have an Affiliate page on ACB website.
Secretary’s Report
Decisions made by the board since the last meeting: Stipend requests from Sherry and Jesse Shirek for the ACB Convention. Motion made 6-14- 2016, approved 6-15- 2016. Convention minutes and post-convention board meeting minutes approved 6-30- 2015. NDAB shirt order proposed during post-convention meeting; number, color and general design, approved 7-16- 2016. Camp Class Ukulele request 7-19- 16, approved a cost share with students desiring to take the instrument home 7-21- 2016. Consensus Council proposal for Strategic Plan Review in October, approved 8-16- 2016.
Sympathy cards sent to:
- The family of Luella Asleson, NDAB member;
- Shirley Tomlinson on the death of her grandmother;
- Violet Zentz on the death of her nephew;
- Lynne Koral on the death of her husband, Sandy; and
- Steve and Zelda Gebhard on thedeath of Steve’s uncle.
Treasurer’s Report
Helen gave the treasurer’s report. Allan made a motion to approve, Mark 2nd. MSC.
Development Director
Allan is working on a Charitable Gaming letter to get out by Christmas. He is also working on a fundraiser with Blind Joe, possibly around Feb. 14th .
Mary reported that since June our membership has gone from 151 active members to a total of 195 with 186 active, 9 delinquent and 1 death. Mary would like to do more outreach. Possibly some birthday recognition for members, even if it is just a phone call. Robert questioned why the board has to approve new members. It was stated that this requirement is in the governing documents due to problems in the past. Mark made a motion to approve members every quarter at the board meetings instead of via e-mail. Mary 2nd. MSC.
New Members from June 28th through September 5th are:
Ruby Woodland, Rebecca Schmaltz, Amanda Fahlstrom, Elaine Legg, Andrew McCloud, Carolyn Probst, Gloria Chavez, Darrel Johnson, Mary Verlinde, Paul Verlinde, Susan Olson, Susan Hammer-Schnieder, Shirley Tomlinson, Sherry Jensen, Polly Klemp, Michael Klemp, Trevor Klemp, Cindy VanWell, James Swartz, Tammy Winn, Ryan Torgerson, Debra Bell and Robert Marx.
Public Relations
There was discussion of possibly doing a radio PSA or newspaper article on White Cane Safety Day. NDOA annual conference will be attended by Gretchen and her mom, Genie. It is October 3 at the Baymont Inn in Mandan.
Dining in the Dark on October 13 th in Minot. Facebook page is now being done by Lexee.
Web Administrator
Thank you to Jesse and Sherry for serving as the web administrator. Thanks was extended to Robert for taking on this position. Robert stated that there is not much happening right now. He has been reviewing the website and getting his feet wet. Robert stated that technically the website is good. Will review content from Promoter. It was recommended that no personal information be put on the website. Copyrighted material should not be on the website. Robert will check into the membership applications.
Allan commented that the training on Monday, August 29 th through Wednesday, August 31 st went very well. 7 members from NDAB attended. Members that attended stated that they felt it was great training. Zelda thanked Genie and Gretchen for hosting supper Monday night for the NDAB participants that attended.
Strategic Planning
Next meeting will be October 14 th from 8:30-12:30 p.m. in Minot with Rose Stoller from the Consensus Council.
2017 State Convention
Carol stated she would like a Save the Date “ad” on the website. Robert will add. The theme for the 2017 convention will be Spice Up Your Life. The convention will be held at the Great American Inn June 9-11. Carol asked the board if we will pay the speaker for mileage and it was stated that we would.
Unfinished Business
State Fair Booth
Mary said that the attendance for the state fair was down this year. Diane, Wanda, Doug and Mary covered the booth.
Photo Release
There was discussion about the possibility of a photo release. It was mentioned that The ACB photographer does not use a photo release. Allan made a motion to table until next meeting to do more exploration on the issue. Gretchen 2 nd . MSC.
Suggestions from 2016 Convention Chairperson
Loris, chairperson from the convention recommended that if the chairperson is not on the board to let the chairperson review the minutes for spelling of speakers names. It has happened in previous years that the speakers name has been misspelled and the board approved the minutes with the wrong spelling.
Transportation Advocate from NDAB to work with the ACB Transportation Committee.
We are looking for members interested in being mentored by the current Adult Summer Camp Directors to fill that position sometime in the future.
Sherry is not seeking another term on the State Rehab Council. If anyone is interested, they should contact Vocational Rehabilitation Services and request an application.
Next meeting: Dec. 11 th at 6:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:40 p.m. was made by Allan, 2nd by Mary.
Respectfully submitted,
Gretchen Campbell
NDAB Secretary