ND Vision Services/School for the Blind logo. NDVS/SB in letters and braille in a box shaped like the stae of ND

Updated Services from ND Vision Services

To: NDAB Members
From: North Vision Services/School for the Blind

As our country and local communities struggle with COVID-19, we want you to know that you are all on the minds of those of us at North Dakota Vision Services. You and your needs are on the forefront of our minds and hearts. We want you to know that even though we are not able to physically provide services, we can still assist you! Below is a list of ways we are currently providing services:

  • Check Ins – we are calling all individuals who have received services at NDVS/SB over the past five years. These calls are just to let people know that we are thinking of them and to create lists of those who would like another home visit when we can continue our community-based services.
  • A Listening Ear – for those individuals who are struggling with the uncertainty of COVID-19, we are doing Listening Ear Phone Calls. These calls can be set up on a regular basis (depending on your needs) to provide virtual support. We understand that having vision loss in general is isolating. Now that community-based support groups and congregate dining have been closed down, life has become even more lonely. We truly care about you and your mental health. Please let us know if you are interested in a Listening Ear.
  • Talk Through Lessons – for those of you who do not use the internet, we are providing Talk Through Lessons. These lessons are basic instruction conducted over the phone. Examples may include pouring liquids, measuring, buttering bread, sweeping, smartphone accessibility, and much, much more!
  • Video Lessons – For those of you who are internet users, NDVS/SB can provide lessons over Skype or Zoom. We are able to do any of the lessons listed in the Talk Through Lessons and so much more.
  • Anytime/Anywhere Lessons – NDVS/SB already has a library of Golden Guide Videos available on YouTube. We are currently working on more. These videos can be watched anytime you want, on any device, and in any location.

Please let us know if there is anything you need! During these troubled times, NDVS/SB staff are here for you. For services in western ND, contact Amy Osvold at 701-340-9226 or abrunner@nd.gov. For eastern ND, contact Pam Haus at 701-795-2719 or phaus@nd.gov. We look forward to hearing from you!