NDAB Board Meeting Oct. 4th, 2018

NDAB Board Meeting Oct. 4th, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President Zelda at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Present were Mary, Trampes, Gretchen, Mark, Shereen, Allan, Zelda and Robert.

Secretary’s report was given by Gretchen. Board decisions made since the last meeting were as follows:
E-mail decisions: Convention Stipend Policy Decision 9-20

Mary made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 9th board meeting. Allan seconded the motion. MSC.

A sympathy card was mailed to Rich Fadness on the death of his wife Belinda. Rich is the auctioneer at camp.

Unfinished business

Trampes paid for the recreational equipment with his own credit card and submitted the bill to the board, along with his bill for board reimbursement for the 2018 state convention. The cost of the recreational items is in the budget from last year. Mark made a motion to authorize Donna Hepper to get a cashier’s check to reimburse Trampes. Allan seconded. MSC.

New Business

Shereen made a motion to regretfully accept Helen Baumgartner’s resignation as treasurer of NDAB. Mark seconded. MSC

Per the constitution, the president has the authority and responsibility to appoint someone to fill vacated positions with counsel of the board. Allan has talked to Rebecca Anderson about the possibility of filling this position. Zelda has visited with Rebecca and is appointing Rebecca as the new treasurer for NDAB to serve out the rest of Helen’s term. There will be an election for treasurer at the state convention in June of 2019. Allan made a motion to approve Zelda’s appointment of Rebecca as treasurer, Shereen seconded. MSC.

Discussion was held about the possibility of starting a finance committee. This committee would include the treasurer, development director and a third person. The main objective of the committee would be to put together the yearly budget and review investment accounts. Discussion was held, and the board felt this would be a good move. One individual has been asked and is considering being on the committee.

It was felt that there was a need for another person to be listed on the investment accounts. Mark told the board that he may have signed off on the accounts and he is willing to stay on the accounts or be put on.
Several board members felt it would be a good idea to have an expanded treasurer’s report. Discussion was held. Board members would like to see a listing of money spent and money received. It was felt that the report needed to be screen reader friendly. It was also felt that this report was only needed quarterly and is to be shared with the board for their review a week prior to board meetings.

The treasurer’s manual needs to be revised before the new treasurer takes over. There are things that are not in it including the use of the Square. Robert, Allan and Zelda will work together to revise it.

There are many steps for the transfer of the treasurer including:
Register as Registered Agent with Secretary of State
Close out both checking accounts
Start up new checking account (co-signer)
New PayPal account with new checking account information

Robert made a motion to authorize Donna Hepper to make the necessary arrangements for the transfer of money to the new checking accounts. Allan seconded, MSC. Kathryn Schmidt has agreed to be co-signer for the accounts at the bank. Shereen made a motion to accept Kathryn as co-signer, Mary 2nd. MSC. The PayPal account is attached to the previous bank account. Robert will temporarily remove the Donate button off of the website while the new checking account is being set up.

Janelle Olson contacted Zelda about Dining in the Dark. The event was postponed due to low ticket sales. The Minot Lions have three dates in mind: March 21, March 28 and April 4. Zelda will inform Janelle that the board would prefer the date of March 21 with a second choice of April 4.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.

Next meeting will be Nov. 4th at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Gretchen Campbell, Secretary

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