NDAB Board Minutes January 6, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Zelda. Present were Zelda, Mary, Gretchen, Rebecca, Mark, Robert, Allan, Trampes and Shereen. Our guest was Michelle Zentz.

President’s Report

Zelda e-mailed NDAB members who are under 40 to inform them about the affiliate The Next Generation.

Secretary’s Report

A sympathy card was sent to Tim Kachel on the death of his father.

Email decision made since the previous meeting:
Approval of November board minutes- Nov. 14

Correspondence was received, completed and returned by Michelle Zentz concerning her continuing to be the ACB Registered Agent from North Dakota.

Treasurer’s Report

Opened new checking account at First International Bank and Trust on Nov. 3rd. Kathryn Schmidt is the co-signer. The checking account at Security First has been closed and the money transferred to the checking account at First International. So far, we have had no access to the Wells Fargo account. We are still trying to accomplish that so those funds can be deposited in the First International account. Rebecca has filed application with the secretary of State office and is our new Registered Agent. There are some other accounts that Rebecca still has to be authorized as a signer for. A detailed financial report was given and will be placed on file. Robert 2nd motion to approve the treasurer’s report, MSC.

Development Director Report

Giving Hearts Day is Feb. 14th. The theme for NDAB is Double Down with NDAB. Lions groups and other NDAB friends are providing funds for the match. NDSU sociology class will be helping out. Letters ready to go to charitable gaming organizations.

Gretchen mentioned that possibly next year we could apply for grant money from Wal-Mart to help with the matching funds for Giving Hearts Day.

Committee Reports


Zelda will be sending out letters to Lions groups to solicit for the Robert John LePage Service Award.

Constitution and By-Laws
Will be meeting in Feb.

Convention 2019

Save the Date article will be in the Promoter. Committee will be meeting in January again.

Dining In the Dark

April 4th in Minot


Carol Schmitt has been asked and is planning to accompany Zelda and Allan to attend the ACB Legislative Seminar in Washington, D.C. February 23-27. NDAB will have a table at the Disability Awareness Day sponsored by the NDDAC on Jan. 31 at the ND state capitol. Protection and Advocacy sponsors legislative workgroups around the state each Friday during the session. Allan will be attending.


Mary submitted applications for Scott Burlingame and Vicki Jorgenson. Allan made a motion to approve the new members, Trampes seconded, MSC. Membership renewals have been sent out and 66 have paid dues for 2019. We currently have 227 active members at the end of December.

Sports and Recreation

Trampes is in the early stages with Prairie Grit to set up a goalball league in Minot that would play once a month. This event would include a tournament which will probably be the end of April or beginning of May. February 8th and 9th is the annual ND vs SD goalball event in Grand Forks at the NDVS/SB.

The US Hockey Association is looking at making blind hockey a Paralympic event. They are having a 3 day training in St. Paul at the Excel Center. The event is in conjunction with the Minnesota Wild and will take place the end of August.

Ski for Light is coming up the end of January. Mary made a motion and Allan seconded it to write check to Judy’s Leisure in the amount of $850 to support the transportation expense of the bus and a $200 check to the driver for his tip. MSC.


Michelle gave the nomination committee report. Serving on the committee are Carol Scallon, Missy Miller and Michelle Zentz. They met on December 5th. They recommend that we make the following modifications in our election process to allow for more private, independent balloting: Ballots made of card stock will be distributed and then voters will be instructed to mark their ballots by the removal of corner(s). Containers or boxes with a slit in them will be used to gather the ballots the voter inserting his or her own ballot into the slot. Robert 2nd. Discussion occurred. MSC. The nomination committee will be responsible to provide ballots and collection boxes and instruct members in the new process to cast votes. Michelle will make the necessary addition to the nomination committee guidelines to reflect this change.

Web Director

PayPal has been resurrected and is back on the website. Also added donation buttons.

Unfinished Business

Video displays-continue to search. Will discuss at next meeting.

Volunteer hours-will continue discussing

Statewide raffle-the cost of the license is $25. Trampes made a motion to have the state raffle with the drawing being Sunday, June 9th. Robert 2nd. MSC. Prizes will once again $2,000 for 1st, $1,000 for 2nd and $500 for 3rd. Trampes will get the license and give Gretchen the information. Gretchen will get the tickets printed up and be in charge of distributing the tickets.

Philmore voice mail-still working on this. Doug Stip has agreed to read, and Brant Adams will help set up.

General Liability Policy Review-Still have time to review before the policy renews.
Kirkwood Booth. Allan made a motion to set up the booth at Kirkwood. Robert 2nd. Discussion was held to determine the effectiveness of the booth. MSC.

New Business

Rebecca and Gretchen are in need of some equipment to do safe back up of records including USB key drives, and lock boxes. Allan made a motion for Gretchen and Rebecca each to purchase two USB key drives and one fireproof lock box. Trampes 2nd. MSC.

Adult weeks at NDVS/SB for 2019 are March 17-22, May 12-17 and June 2-7.

Next meeting February 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Gretchen Campbell, Secretary

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